Craigslist scrap metal free
Scrap metal old gas grill bikes Old mower Scrap metal. Any non running riding mowers, walk behind mowers, push mowers, pressure washers,or generators sitting around that no longer run and you want out of the way just give. Free scrap metal.
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Avoid scams, deal locally Beware wiring (e Western Union), cashier checks, money orders, shipping. Free scrap metal. 135th stateline area TRUCK TIRES 1/2 ton 16" $0. I set out some metal cabinets and desks. This is roughly half the spot price of lead, which, according to.
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Probably about 100 pounds of scrap metal from large awning removed from house. First to pick it up can have it. Truck and possible trailer.
Some random pots and pans. Many people recycle scrap aluminum for money, but in order to do so, you must be certain.
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